Jodi M. Smith “What I see When I Stop To Look”

Jodi's passion for nature photography is truly inspiring. She is an emerging artist born and raised in Grand Forks, ND currently living in East Grand Forks, MN and her focus is on capturing the essence of stillness and the raw beauty that surrounds us in nature. Through her lens, she skillfully portrays the serene landscapes, the intricate details of landscape, the vibrant flora, and the overall mesmerizing beauty of the natural world. Her photographs not only showcase the visual splendor, but also convey the tranquility and awe-inspiring moments found in the great outdoors. Jodi's dedication to capturing these elements is what makes her photography so captivating and powerful.

There is an element of a perceptual phenomenon in her images - a bistable effect - the perceiving in two different ways. This bistable effect in Jodi's images adds an intriguing layer to her already captivating work. This phenomenon, where the perception of an image toggles between two distinct interpretations, can add depth and complexity to her photographs. It's as if her images possess multiple stories or perspectives within a single frame, allowing viewers to experience different interpretations or emotions each time they engage with her work. This unique quality further enriches the experience of viewing Jodi's nature photography, inviting viewers to explore and appreciate the diverse facets of the natural world through her lens.

Various cognitive processes involving attention, perception, sensory experiences, and memory are linked in Jodi's images.  They challenge perceptions and invite contemplation, almost like a visual riddle waiting to be solved. This element of mystery or puzzlement within her images fuels curiosity and encourages viewers to delve deeper into the intricate layers present within the frame. The images may prompt questions about what is seen, inviting individuals to explore their own interpretations and make sense of the dual perceptions they experience. This engaging quality makes Jodi's work not just visually stunning, but also intellectually stimulating, leaving a lasting impression on those who encounter her photographs.